Mittwoch, Februar 02, 2005

You rhymed ants with pants? You are a genius.

A monkey once lived on the Lido
Who always would wear a tuxedo.
To women of Venice
The ape was a menace:
They feared the chic monkey's libido.

Can a limerick liker bash bad rhymes? Does the licensed poet have the poetic license to go ahead and rhyme love and dove?

I one knew a man who rhymed love
With the equally common word: dove.
So was he ironic?
Or is -ove a phonic
With no other rhymes to think of?

I have always been overimpressed by the fact that love rhymes with glove. I have found substituting 'glove' for 'love' in songs far funnier than it actually is. These are my sins. I do not regret, however, my fascination with the habit of some unknown, unknowable and faceless creatures of the Boston night who place apparently lost black gloves on the high pikes of wrought iron gates. I saw and remarked on those lonely, unlikely mitts on many occasions and never failed to be struck by their surreality. On one of the most memorable nights of my college life - memorable for entirely different, slightly obscene reasons - I believe I saw two in the course of one long night's walk. If, dear reader, you put gloves on pikes, please do not reveal yourself to me. The mystery is delicious.

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